Archive for April, 2013

SharePoint Tools learned at ShareCamp

April 20, 2013

I had the opportunity to attend to ShareCamp in Microsoft München and hier are some interesting tools that I saw during the lessons:

Name Description
Search query tool Really nice tool for generating search queries against SharePoint 2013. You can see the xml and field names that come from SharePoint. Really helpful when creating custom search templates.
dotPeek A free alternative to .NET Reflector by JetBrains
PowerGUI A free tool like Powershell ISE but better.
IronSP Interesting tool for development for SharePoint in Ruby. Currently under development and not simple to use without deep knowledge of the project.
Collaboration Manager A commercial tool for managing SharePoint templates including upgrades. However it costs lots of money.

Hope you find this list helpful.

Fixing Metadata Field Connection after importing a Website to another Farm

April 10, 2013

This is a follow up to this post, where I described how you can create new website from template using Import-SPWeb. If you use managed metadata fields in the you will find out, that these fields cannot be used after importing of the website. The reason is, that the link to the managed metadata application is broken. This script will fix it:

$url = "http://yoursitecollection"
$termStoreName = "yourTermStoreName"
$termSetName = "nameOfTheLinkedTermSet"
$listName = "nameOfTheListWithManagedMetadataField"
$fieldName = "nameOfTheManagedMetadataField"

$web = Get-SPWeb $url

$session = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site $url

$termStore = $session.TermStores[0]

$group = $termStore.Groups[$termStoreName]

$termSet = $group.TermSets[$termSetName]

$list = $web.Lists[$listName]
$field = $list.Fields[$fieldName]
$field.SspId = $termStore.Id

$field.TermSetId = $termSet.Id

$list = $web.Lists[$listName]
$field = $list.Fields[$fieldName]

$taxonomyList = $web.Lists["TaxonomyHiddenList"]

$field.SchemaXml = $field.SchemaXml.Replace($field.LookupWebId.ToString(), $web.ID.ToString())
$field.SchemaXml = $field.SchemaXml.Replace($field.LookupList.ToString(), $taxonomyList.ID.ToString())


The script relinks the managed metadata field to the termstore and fixed the link to the webid and link to the taxonomy hidden list.